Tuesday, April 27, 2010

cell phone ettiquite

Move over, Miss Manners
Cell phone users as considerate as you are few and far between in this country of 171.2 million cell phone subscribers. The public appreciates not hearing the intimate details of your date the night before, and the fact that you don't answer your phone in the company of others does not go unnoticed. You use the environmental settings on your phone so as not to disrupt, you excuse yourself when you need to make or receive an important call, and you talk at a low, unobtrusive level. While not one to draw attention to yourself, be proud. Then politely call or text your family, friends, and coworkers and pass on your cell phone manners knowledge.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

communication skills

Written - email. It's easy, but quite impersonal and sarcasm/jokes may be hard to get through text. Which is fine for professional emails because you really shouldn't be making jokes on something like that anyway.

Verbal - speaking. The only problem with this that I can think of would be a language barrier, which would be solved easy enough with a translator.

Non-verbal - clothing. If you wear, say, ripped jeans and an old tank top, people probably aren't going to take you seriously. Solution would be to dress clean.


My communication skills are definitely lacking. I have trouble speaking to people I don't know and don't say anything unless it's absolutely necessary. We're working on that by having me greet everyone who comes into the shop and ask what they're wanting and such.